Richard S. Velayo, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Pace University (New York City). He happily retired in Florida (Orlando Metro area) in 2017 though occasionally teaches online graduate courses. When he was a full-time tenured full professor at Pace University, he served as Associate Chair of the Psychology Department (NYC) and Director of the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Psychology Program from 2014-2017. In 1993, he obtained his doctorate in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), and specialized in the areas of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Technology. He obtained his M.A. degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis from the University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA), a B.A. in Psychology / B.A. in Sociology-Anthropology from De La Salle University (Manila, Philippines) (Magna Cum Laude), and at Colegio de San Juan de Letran (Manila, Philippines) for his elementary and high school education. His scholarly interests and publications focus on pedagogical strategies to internationalize the psychology curriculum, and on the use of multimedia and internet-based technologies as pedagogical tools. More specifically, his scholarly interests included: (1) development of an assessment tool for multimedia learning, (2) applications of Internet-based technologies (IBTs) as teaching and research tools, and (3) pedagogical strategies to internationalize psychology courses. He has 49 peer-reviewed publications in journals such as American Psychologist (the flagship journal of the American Psychological Association (APA), Teaching of Psychology, The International Journal of Instructional Media, Journal of Instructional Psychology, Reading Improvement, NYS Psychologist, Educational Technology, Psychology Learning and Teaching, International Psychology Bulletin, and the International Psychologist.  He also has 4 book chapters and 30 non-peer reviewed publications. Moreover, he has 305+ scholarly presentations, 78+ workshops/panels/invited addresses, 120+ symposia/conferences organized at various regional, national, and international psychology conferences including (but not limited to) those of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Psychological Society (APS), the Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (NIToP), the International Council of Psychologists, and the Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research. He has also been involved in the supervision of over 60 doctoral dissertations and masters theses.


The courses he has taught at the graduate and undergraduate levels include Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Instructional Psychology: Multimedia Applications, Research Design and Statistics, General Psychology, Psychology of Learning, Developmental Psychology, Behavior Modification, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Introduction to International Psychology, Psychology at the United Nations, and Professional Seminar (for Masters Students). Dr. Velayo has taught at De La Salle University (Manila), Montana State University, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), before coming to Pace University (New York City Campus) in 1994 as a full-time faculty member of the Psychology Department. In addition to being the Editor-in-chief of the “PsychEye” newsletter (official newsletter of Pace University’s Psychology Department, NYC), he was also an editorial board member of the International Psychologist and International Understanding. He has also served as a reviewer for a number of publications which includes the following: International Psychology Bulletin (APA Division 52), International Journal of Instructional Media, Journal on School Education, and Computers in Teaching Section of the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2). The New York State Psychological Association awarded him the Virginia Staudt Sexton Award for Early Career Contributions to Academic Psychology (1997), the Distinguished Service Award (2002), and the Wilhelm Wundt Award for Outstanding Research Contributions to Academic Psychology and Service to NYSPA (2007). He is also the recipient of the 2000 Distinguished Award for Outstanding Service at Pace’s Employee Recognition Ceremony. In 2012, he was recognized as a “Guest of Honor” for Outstanding Contributions to Psychology at the 24th Annual Greater New York Conference on Behavioral Research (Fordham University, New York). In 2013, he received the "Henry P. David International Mentoring Award" from the Division of International Psychology of the American Psychological Association.


His professional service affiliations include: the American Psychological Association (Fellow of Divisions 1, 2, 46, and 52), the International Council of Psychologists (ICP), International Association of Applied Psychologists (IAAP), the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), the New York State Psychological Association (Academic Division and the Social Issues Division), the Eastern Psychological Association (Fellow), PSI CHI (The International Honors Society in Psychology), and Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society). He was Past-President (2004), and Member-at-Large (2008-2009) for the Division of International Psychology (Division 52) of the APA in which he has also served as chair of the Membership Committee, Program Committee, the Website Committee, Associate Editor of the International Psychology Bulletin, and an active Member of its Curriculum and Training Committee. His other positions include Fellows Chair (2005-2007) for The Society for General Psychology (APA Division 1), Fellows Chair (2008) for The Division of International Psychology (APA Division 52), Chair (2006-2009) of the Communications and Publications Committee for the International Council of Psychologists (ICP) (2006-2009), served twice as Past-President (2001 and 2008) of the New York State Psychological Association’s Academic Division, Past-Chair (2006-2008) of the Psychology Section of the New York Academy of Sciences, Past Co-Chair (2009) of APA’s Committee on Divisions/APA Relations (CODAPAR), and Member-at-Large for the NGO Committee on Ageing (2007-2009), and Executive Committee Member (2009-2012) of the Eastern Regional PSI CHI Steering Committee. He has served as the Chair of the Publication and Registration Subcommittee for the United Nations Psychology Day Organizing/Planning Committee. At Pace University, he is the Director of Masters Program(s) and Associate Chair of the Psychology Department (NYC campus). Additionally, he has served as the Secretary and Webmaster (2000-2005) of the New York Faculty Council, Chair (2000-2001) of the Academic Resources Committees of Dyson College and NY Faculty Council, and Chair (January 2000 - August 2002) of the Communication Studies Department (NYC campus) of Pace.

Dr. Velayo also served as the NGO Representative (2009-2017) of the International Council the International Council of Psychologists to the United Nations, Treasurer (2009-2013) of the NGO Committee on Ageing, Webmaster (2005-2014), Fellows Chair and Member-at-Large of the Society for General Psychology (2012-2014), Curriculum and Training Committee Chair and Member-at-Large for the International Psychology Division of APA (2012-2016), Liaison of the Eastern Psychological Association to Pace University’s Psychology Department (2010-2016), and one of the three Co-Directors (2010-2017) of The International Social and Behavioral Research Alliance. At Pace, in addition to being the Associate Chair of the Psychology Department and Director of the M.A. in Psychology Program (2014 - 2017), he also serves as a Director of the Dyson College Center for Global Psychology (DCCGP), a member (2004-2017) of the Kenan Development Fund Committee for Faculty Development, and a Fellow (2000-present) of the Dyson College Society of Fellows.

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